The U understands the costs to have an athlete in sports. Team fees and uniforms plus the costs of private lessons adds up. We also understand that in most organizations you get 2 practices per week. As a member of The U athletes will benefit from our daily opportunities for more work. We will have coaches running daily practices on our fields and inside. You will be able to check the schedule to see which practices are happening each day. RSVP, show up on time and get to work.
We will offer days dedicated to strength and conditioning as well as field work, pitching and hitting. When our Football and Soccer Programs begin, they will also offer daily practices for their member athletes.
The U will also offer Special Camps and Clinics where we will bring in Experts from across the country to provide their knowledge to our athletes. These events will be scheduled in advance. Members will be able to sign up and receive a discount.
Members will benefit from other incentives across our program. We will offer kickbacks and rewards for spending money on merch and other products we will offer. Members will automatically be entered into certain raffles and contests if they want to participate. At signup members will receive the T-shirt of their choice and a discount book where we will offer our entire catalog of products and services at member rates.
Members will be able to tryout for Phenom Teams but don’t have to be Phenom to be a member. We want to offer our amazing opportunities to the youth across the area. Members that tryout and make a team will benefit from their membership fees going towards the team fees.
The goal of our members-based program is to create an environment where all boats rise. This will help to create a higher level of competition in the area which overtime will generate more college recruits coming from Central Texas. Members of today are the Coaches of tomorrow. We want to Contribute to the long-term growth of this culture.
Click below to be put on our list for future members. Once we start accepting membership fees we will reach out and invite you for a tour.